2013년 11월 26일 화요일

The survey for going overseas

These days, people who go abroad for learing Enlgish are getting increased year by year. For inspecting the thoughts of students who are interested in getting jobs of the field of English the researcher had a survey for studying in overseas.

To know the students’ opinions the instructor made 7 questions. The first 2 of questions are about their interest about other countries. One for asking yes or no question about studying abroad is written to find out how many students want to go abroad, and the other one asks about the exact countries they would like to visit. The next two questions have different issues, inquiring the benifits for studying in overseas in the first question. The second one is for people who do not agree with studying abroad and asks why they do not agree with it. The last three question are mostly related with what they would like to do in other countries.

All the respondents are agreed with going overseas except just one person. Most of them mainly wants to go North America, Canada and the United States, and there are some reply for Africa, England and Austrailia. There are main three views for the benifits in overseas, refered the various experiecne, speaking, confidence.

In conclusion most of people wants to go abroad and it is good idea for studying English

2013년 10월 15일 화요일

Elt and Essay homework // Ice and fire

 Some of you might think the words and meaning in the poem ice and fire are not easy to understand and useless. However, I think the poem is going to be a good lesson source to high school students or even adults.

The first reason I prefer this poem is it involves some moral conciousness in its contents. The speaker warns about people who are one-sided to a part of something. People who are in “fire”, for instance, can not think of the sins of ice. That means they can be very firmed about the sin of fire, but they might consider the evil of hate(ice) to a samll problem. Likewise people who are in ice can not recognize of the physical sin(fire). I think it gives us a good lesson. When living this world we encounter many situations, whether they are good or not,  we judge  other people only using their personal’s standard. The poem points out the flaws of the “individual idea”, giving the warning that we must not evaluate someone carelessly.

The poem is a little bit hard to understand for high school students, but if they struggle with meaning to get the poem, I think that’s going to be a good study stuff for raising their ability to think. I have also an experience of reading very hard books that not being easy to understand. I read it numerous times to grasp it and I could figure out it gradually with improving my thinking skills.

Because we are human, we don’t have perfect thought. You can think you are right, but you might miss some mistakes you made. We have to think very carefully whatever we do something and if we make some mistakes, we have to be prepared to face the music.

2013년 6월 16일 일요일

Week 13 optional credit 1

 The two bloggers have same opinions that we have to take advice from other people. The difference is that the one I summarized just concluded that just taking advice is best. The other one said, although listen to advice is very important, experiencing personally is must be accompanied.

As I mentioned about the topic, the second one sounds sensible to me. Always just taking one side of argument is not good. There are always some advantages and disadvantages of one side. We need to take out of the advantages of each side.

Week 13 // Summarize the main point of my classmate.

 I read a blog of the essay talking about advice or own experience, which one is much more important in living our life.

 The blog said taking advice from parents or friends is much better than experiencing ourselves. There are three reasons, and that are :  reducing the chance of mistake, getting help before decision, and getting the information which is unknown before. The writer suggests a example of (s)he's experience that the writer took the advice from the parents, and as a result, it was good choice.
 I agree with that in that point. Minimize mistaking is very important. However, taking mistake is also learning our life. You will make any mistake after all, and how are you going to deal with that problems? You have no experiences of mistaking and this is your first time of making them. I think you are going to be in a panic and spoil them totally.

 In my opinion, take mistaking as much as you can. They will be precious experience in your life.


Week 12 Optional credit assignment

 The most important thing as my friend is a character that be able to listen to me and say something in faithful. I have thought this since I was in military, and I conclude that understanding each other is the most important factor of being a true friend.

 Actually, I tried to be a very humorous person before I went to the military. I thought how can I many friends as possible as I can? The answer was be humorous. I used to talk very a lot, and as a result, I made pretty many friends. However, I felt something sense of emptiness. And always keeping to try talking a lot was very tired job, because that was not my character. I realized that I need a friend that someone like me. I need someone who is weird as I am actually!

 Of course, the character of humor is very important as well. And there are many personalities that we need to have such like reliable, faithful, intelligent etc. In conclusion, respecting each other is must be preceded and the others are have to be followed. That means that we must make close connections first, and have fun whatever you do!

Week 12 Essay writing

 I think the best way of learning of our life is just by experiencing very many times. There is a Korean old saying "It is better to show something just a time than talking about that a hundred times. That means it is a such useless job if you just keep talking about something to make understand someone. Just let him(her) see that the hard thing.

 Likewise, It is very important to experience in our real life. When I was young, my parents used to tell me that you are so happy now!! do not complain about your life. You have got all things you need. House, food, clothes are all yours. You must not be cold and hungry. However, I never did get the meaning of what my parents say. I realize that when I went to the military service and had a part time job first in my life. I experience the things that my parents used to say, and I realized that.

 Of course, advice is needed sometimes. That is a case that even though you experience something, and you are not changed or get a wrong way. In case of that, we need some advice and should try to listen to this and effort to do this.

Week 11 optional credit assignment.

 I have watched a Korean TV program called "푸른 거탑", In English, "The big blue tower" from when I was in NZ. Because it was not a long time since I finished the military service, it was very interesting to me. It is a story of a platoon in a military.

  I think Korean who finished their army service and watch this must make a bond of sympathy because the program is made very well for hard working and problems in Korean military. However this program is not serious, and the actors just try to make the program comic, doing their hard job in the military. I also laugh whenever watch the program, sometimes I even couldn't breathe.

 A man named called Jong hun is the character I like most because he is  so much fun!! His honorable discharge is very soon, but he always is taken to something  very hard job and hard training. Whenever he is in those situation he used to shout "Hell no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" It is so hilarious, I believe that all the Korean reserve forces know his feeling. I enjoy this program these days also, I recommend it!!