2013년 11월 26일 화요일

The survey for going overseas

These days, people who go abroad for learing Enlgish are getting increased year by year. For inspecting the thoughts of students who are interested in getting jobs of the field of English the researcher had a survey for studying in overseas.

To know the students’ opinions the instructor made 7 questions. The first 2 of questions are about their interest about other countries. One for asking yes or no question about studying abroad is written to find out how many students want to go abroad, and the other one asks about the exact countries they would like to visit. The next two questions have different issues, inquiring the benifits for studying in overseas in the first question. The second one is for people who do not agree with studying abroad and asks why they do not agree with it. The last three question are mostly related with what they would like to do in other countries.

All the respondents are agreed with going overseas except just one person. Most of them mainly wants to go North America, Canada and the United States, and there are some reply for Africa, England and Austrailia. There are main three views for the benifits in overseas, refered the various experiecne, speaking, confidence.

In conclusion most of people wants to go abroad and it is good idea for studying English

2013년 10월 15일 화요일

Elt and Essay homework // Ice and fire

 Some of you might think the words and meaning in the poem ice and fire are not easy to understand and useless. However, I think the poem is going to be a good lesson source to high school students or even adults.

The first reason I prefer this poem is it involves some moral conciousness in its contents. The speaker warns about people who are one-sided to a part of something. People who are in “fire”, for instance, can not think of the sins of ice. That means they can be very firmed about the sin of fire, but they might consider the evil of hate(ice) to a samll problem. Likewise people who are in ice can not recognize of the physical sin(fire). I think it gives us a good lesson. When living this world we encounter many situations, whether they are good or not,  we judge  other people only using their personal’s standard. The poem points out the flaws of the “individual idea”, giving the warning that we must not evaluate someone carelessly.

The poem is a little bit hard to understand for high school students, but if they struggle with meaning to get the poem, I think that’s going to be a good study stuff for raising their ability to think. I have also an experience of reading very hard books that not being easy to understand. I read it numerous times to grasp it and I could figure out it gradually with improving my thinking skills.

Because we are human, we don’t have perfect thought. You can think you are right, but you might miss some mistakes you made. We have to think very carefully whatever we do something and if we make some mistakes, we have to be prepared to face the music.

2013년 6월 16일 일요일

Week 13 optional credit 1

 The two bloggers have same opinions that we have to take advice from other people. The difference is that the one I summarized just concluded that just taking advice is best. The other one said, although listen to advice is very important, experiencing personally is must be accompanied.

As I mentioned about the topic, the second one sounds sensible to me. Always just taking one side of argument is not good. There are always some advantages and disadvantages of one side. We need to take out of the advantages of each side.

Week 13 // Summarize the main point of my classmate.

 I read a blog of the essay talking about advice or own experience, which one is much more important in living our life.

 The blog said taking advice from parents or friends is much better than experiencing ourselves. There are three reasons, and that are :  reducing the chance of mistake, getting help before decision, and getting the information which is unknown before. The writer suggests a example of (s)he's experience that the writer took the advice from the parents, and as a result, it was good choice.
 I agree with that in that point. Minimize mistaking is very important. However, taking mistake is also learning our life. You will make any mistake after all, and how are you going to deal with that problems? You have no experiences of mistaking and this is your first time of making them. I think you are going to be in a panic and spoil them totally.

 In my opinion, take mistaking as much as you can. They will be precious experience in your life.


Week 12 Optional credit assignment

 The most important thing as my friend is a character that be able to listen to me and say something in faithful. I have thought this since I was in military, and I conclude that understanding each other is the most important factor of being a true friend.

 Actually, I tried to be a very humorous person before I went to the military. I thought how can I many friends as possible as I can? The answer was be humorous. I used to talk very a lot, and as a result, I made pretty many friends. However, I felt something sense of emptiness. And always keeping to try talking a lot was very tired job, because that was not my character. I realized that I need a friend that someone like me. I need someone who is weird as I am actually!

 Of course, the character of humor is very important as well. And there are many personalities that we need to have such like reliable, faithful, intelligent etc. In conclusion, respecting each other is must be preceded and the others are have to be followed. That means that we must make close connections first, and have fun whatever you do!

Week 12 Essay writing

 I think the best way of learning of our life is just by experiencing very many times. There is a Korean old saying "It is better to show something just a time than talking about that a hundred times. That means it is a such useless job if you just keep talking about something to make understand someone. Just let him(her) see that the hard thing.

 Likewise, It is very important to experience in our real life. When I was young, my parents used to tell me that you are so happy now!! do not complain about your life. You have got all things you need. House, food, clothes are all yours. You must not be cold and hungry. However, I never did get the meaning of what my parents say. I realize that when I went to the military service and had a part time job first in my life. I experience the things that my parents used to say, and I realized that.

 Of course, advice is needed sometimes. That is a case that even though you experience something, and you are not changed or get a wrong way. In case of that, we need some advice and should try to listen to this and effort to do this.

Week 11 optional credit assignment.

 I have watched a Korean TV program called "푸른 거탑", In English, "The big blue tower" from when I was in NZ. Because it was not a long time since I finished the military service, it was very interesting to me. It is a story of a platoon in a military.

  I think Korean who finished their army service and watch this must make a bond of sympathy because the program is made very well for hard working and problems in Korean military. However this program is not serious, and the actors just try to make the program comic, doing their hard job in the military. I also laugh whenever watch the program, sometimes I even couldn't breathe.

 A man named called Jong hun is the character I like most because he is  so much fun!! His honorable discharge is very soon, but he always is taken to something  very hard job and hard training. Whenever he is in those situation he used to shout "Hell no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" It is so hilarious, I believe that all the Korean reserve forces know his feeling. I enjoy this program these days also, I recommend it!!

2013년 5월 29일 수요일

Week 11 // Summury of the music I like - Jason Mraz Geek in the pink

 Jason Mraz - Geek in the pink

 My younger brother letted me listen thig song by chance and I've fellen in this and it stucks in my head these days. I found the lyics in a music blog and read it, but I'm not sure about what Jason want to say. Anyway I will tell you the story of the song

 The song consists of 3 verses and 3 hooks. In the first verse I think he likes a girl and start to show off himself, talking to her that "I'm a geek in the pink".  The hook says that he doesn't care of what she think about him and he can protect her and change her and hang out with her.

 In the second verse I think they become a couple and start to have good time. However, Mraz start to say that she tries to obesess over him too much and he doesn't like that of course. I think the lyrics "Well she can get her toys outta the drawer then Cause I ain’t comin’ home I don’t need that attention" shows that he hates about her behavior clearly.

 In Third verse Mraz deciede to break up with her, saying that he just want to have relax and understand. And then he is writing songs and want people to just listen up to him.

 The meaning of the song sounds unclear for me, but I know that this song is absoultely cool song!

 Here is the link of the song : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2KcxrYnWkQ

2013년 5월 16일 목요일

Week 10 // How could Chongshin University or the students be kinder to the environment?

 I see many rubbish everywhere in Korea. Sometimes I can find some trash in my university. I used to throw away trash everywhere before I went to NZ. I think it was very shame on me! I hardly could see trash on the streets in NZ, so that makes the city very clean,beautiful and even gorgeous.

 How can we protect our environment that is nearby us? There are just very basic and small things that we should do. First, don't spit on streets. It not only makes people feel unpleasant, if they see someone who is sptting, but also makes the streets dirty. It is very easy one! Just keep in mind. Second, if you smoke, don't throw out the cigarette ends in any place. There must be some trash cans and you must try to find them and throw them in. Do not think like "It must be me alone who throwing this out here". Everyone has been thinking of that.

 I think all things to make good environment are not hard but very easy! I just would you like to think before throw away your dirty trash and how they are going to make the place dirty and massed up whole the places.

Week 9 // Write a review of the lecture

 The speaker of this video is Arianna Huffington who insist we should take enough sleeping to success in our life. She says modern people like to work very busy instead of  taking a break and sleeping to be successful. She says that is not a good way and sleeping unlocks billions of big ideas so we should sleep enough.

 Actually, I really agree with her. I can see many Koreans who are not even sleeping but studying and working overnights. I do think it is very bad, because I used to do it when the mid-term exam, and at that time, my head was completely stopped. I just slept about 2 hours and the exam started and I even couldn't understand the questions of the test. Truly, I spoiled my exam and I have not studied overnight even in important exam terms. I just sleep before some important thing and it makes me feel good indeed.

This shows that sleeping is very important to us, but some of you might not agree with that. If so, just try this. You must feel difference between sleeping and not sleeping.

Link : http://www.ted.com/talks/arianna_huffington_how_to_succeed_get_more_sleep.html

Week 8 // How to study English

 I think the most basic step of learning second language is grammar. When I was in middle school, I just tried to read the English coursebook without any the grammar knowledge. I could understand very easy and simple sentences such like "He give a present to me", but couldn't get like "He give a present that he bought yesterday to me"
I was very confused because I thought "Why there are two subjects and two verbs in a sentence? and what is "that" in middle of the sentence? I was not able to get the meaning of such like sentences during my middle school life, and I gave up learning English.

 However, I started to study grammar in high school and interested in English because that was pretty easy things actually. So I think the most important thing in learning English is grammar and after that it depends on us. I think we should do something in English whatever like listening pop songs,radios or watching English movies,dramas etc. I heard that there is a maxim in English culture. "NO PAIN, NO GAIN". I totally agree with that. If you listen a English radio, I think you are not going to understand at once. If you try to understand English news, I'm sure you will not figure out the information of it. Just try again, again AND AGAIN!

2013년 5월 15일 수요일

Week 8 Write a review of the how to video.

 I used to try rock climbing many times in many mountains. I'm interested in it still, and that is why I watched this video.  I think the man who is instructing viewers in the video explains the basic steps of rock climbing very well. I was instructed in rock climbing by some kiwi instructors in NZ and the instructions in the video are pretty good as I was trained.

 There are a lot of basic steps in rock climbing but I think the hands positions are most important thing so going to introduce some ways in hands positions.

Hands positions

1. "Crimp" : When you find a big and nice hole, you can use this way. Keeping your hands flat when you found a hole on the rock just like the shoe is flat on a flat hole and grab the hole, bending your fingers. It will give you most power and you can do this with your thumb over the top.

2. "Slopping hold" : When you find very tiny holes that you can hardly put your fingers on it, you should use this way. To try this way, your finger strength must be strong enough and your hands are going to be like "open hands" and sure, you can do that with your thumb over your fingers.

3. "Side pull" : Not all holds are able to be pulled down on. For some, you need to do what's known "Side pull". Some holes face to side way but not straight up. These kind of holes are called "side pull" and if you find them, grab the side pull to the side, and just pull the side.

4. "Under-cling" These kind of holes face to downwards. The way to hold onto it is pull up on it. And also if you use your feet, you can get oppositional pressure so that your foot is pushing down and your hands are pushing up. So that's what's going to keep you on the rock there.

I think you are not going to get exactly these instructions, so here is a link.


2013년 5월 9일 목요일

week 9 write 200+ words about one of your other classes.

 I'm taking the class "an introduction to language"  This is one of my major subjects, I feel pretty hard to learn this though, sometimes it is interesting and makes me have achievements when I understand the contents of the book.
 The hardest chapter was "Semantic" which studies meaning of language. Especially, the part of "idioms" was very confusing. For instance, there were a paragraph "In many places such as Times Square in New York, a ball is dropped at midnight on New Year's Eve. Now, if the person in charge doesn't drop the ball, then he has "dropped the ball. And if that person does indeed drop the ball, then he has not "dropped the ball. Right?"
   When I first read this, I just thought " What is this..". I really no had idea of it and started to find the meaning of "drop the ball". I found that it means "spoil something", still confused about the paragraph. What I don't get it still is  " Why the person is supposed to drop the ball on Christmas?"And why, if (s)he doesn't drop the ball, (s)he has spoiled this?. This paragraph sounds very weird to me but I know this is because of cultural and linguistic difference.

 The second hard one was "Syntax" which studies structures of language. It looked like very complex tree and I thought why should I learn such a thing and I will never get it. However, I started to concentrate on reading the part calmly and it was not harder than I thought.

 I realized feeling of achivements is very awesome when studying the subject, although the way of getting to them is very painful.

2013년 5월 3일 금요일

Week 7 What is your dream job? Write at least 200 words in which you explain the job and why you are interested in it.

 Actually I have a few dream jobs, but just going to introduce one of the most I want to be. It is spaceman.

 When I was very young, I used to listen about space from my father with some scentific books and watch programs about it on TV. I remember that the videos about the universe and the pictures was extremely beautiful to me, and even now I feel space is great, massive, and mysterious thing. Until I graduated the elementary school, I wanted be an astronaut, because I hoped of getting out from Earth and traveling the universe. I realized that, however, I need to be good at science and mathematics to be an astronaut, and I gave them up because I really hated them. I dislike them even now. That is why the job is my "dream job". I'm so curious about space and want to see the planets in the solar system and have been wondering about the state of nongraviation on a spaceship. Especially I would like to observe Neptune because it pretty looks like the most myterious thing to me.

 These days, I read some articles about space and stars in the Internet sometimes. I found that the earth is exteremely small compared with whole universe. And we are living in such a small world. I look forward to the days that can afford to travel other stars like taking trips to the other countries these days.

2013년 4월 21일 일요일

Week 7 //Write a classified ad for your assistant.

  An employer is looking for a personal assistant // An helper to work in his house located in Suwon. // Duties include : cooking, cleaning, shopping, proofreading his English writing assignments and anything else that he would like help with. // Qualities: Positive and energetic attitude,  English language skills, Self motivated, and able to accept responsibility and accountability. // Full-time- Monday-Friday- 40 hours per week/ starting and finishing hours are negotiable.

2013년 4월 9일 화요일

On the blog: write an English review of a Korean TV program, film, or book (200-300 words)

Name of the movie :  Public enemy returns (공공의 적 1-1), (2008)

The director : 강우석

 Have you ever watched the above movie? I really like this movie because the movie not only address crimes issues in korea, but also it is sometimes pretty humorous because of the actors playing very well and spiting out some slangs in very fun tones. So, I would like to introduce this crime and comic movie.

 The main character named Chuljung Kang(강철중) is a detective in Gangdong police station in Seoul. He doesn't like to be regulated by most of rules in his office, and always try to find out crimes, and solve them on his own. Because of that, some his supervisors hate him, but he really doesn't care of it. That's why I like the character so much, who is a man of strong faith. He is not all talk but is a good fighter, so it doesn't make all people in the movie look down on him.
 The main story line is that he suspected a bussinessman as a boss of a criminal group, and he started investigations for him.  He found that the bussinessman is the boss of the gang in fact, and started to collect evidences about them, and finally, he arrests them very successfully.

 It criticizes very rouldy for gangs and crimes in korea, not only this movie, but also all of series of the movie, because there had been a lot of movies and some dramas showing that gangs act very cool and they are pretty good people. Becuase of that, people, especially young people, used to think they have good friendships and are even faithful. Gangsters, however, are not nice people actually, so this movie insists that we mustn't follow them and have right thinking about them.

2013년 4월 4일 목요일

Tell about something interesting that you learned about in chapel or one of your other classes.

 I am learning very elementary level of German in this semester, and it is pretty interesting to me. Firstly, this language has very similar words and grammar with English, and use alphabets. I realized the reason that Germans are very accustomed to learning English, and speak very well than most of Asians. Anyways, I found that there are some female words and male words in German grammar. I was pretty embarrassed by these grammar, because I've never imagine something like that. I'm still thinking about why they made such like difficult to memorize things.

 All the same, I really enjoy learning German, because I just used to learn English as a only foreign language, and German is the new one that I started learning.

2013년 4월 1일 월요일

Write a travelblog about a place that you have gone // week 4

 Hello guys, today I'm going to introduce a place that is very beautiful, and I really enjoyed. I went to New zealand, and lived at there about a year. Everything is incredibly clean, and there is a  nice blue sky.  Even in some of place like rural areas, I collected the rainwater, and I could drink it without any problems. That was so nice and clean! I would like to show you some cities that I've been.

 The first city I visited was Christchurch. It is in the south island, and about middle east of the island. Generally, the city is called "the garden city", because all the each house in the city must have a garden, and the people have to manage them themselves. On a very clear day, I just looked at all the houses which is well lined up and tidy with their all gardens,  and that was so lovely and nice. But, there were something bad happened, that was the earthquakes. I felt many earthquakes. All of them was pretty small though,  I was so much terrified whenever they struck my house or sometimes my language school. I had never felt something like that, because it has never happened in Korea.  Actually, before I went there,  there were already two massive earthquakes which broke down most of the buildings in the city center of Christchurch and caused many casualties. These days, however, I heard that there are no more earthquakes, it is still very good place for trips.

 The second place is Nelson which is located in northermost region of the south island. I went there for trying some leisure sports like rafting, rock climbing, kayaking, tramping etc. There are many kind of netural places for enjoying the sports around the city. I really enjoyed the sports, and met so nice people. Also, the city is known as centre of New zealand, and there are the exact point of the centre on a hill. I went up the hill, and found the point and looked at the city. I could see a coastral city which is the most beatiful I've ever seen.

 The travel for a year was very memorial experience to me, and it is highly recommended to have some time in New zealand if you love netural environments!

2013년 3월 28일 목요일

Write about a club or church group you are involved in. What does the club do? Why did you join?

 In my church, I’m in the teacher group which is teaching biblical contents to middle school and high school students. There are 6 teachers and 30 students. We made a each group of 5 people and have a class every week. I really enjoy teaching this, I don’t know pretty much about Bible though. So I prepare for teaching by studying some part of Bible every week, and It is good for me as well because I didn’t like to read Bible and that makes me read and think about it. 

 The reason I joined this group was when I didn't enter the army service, and I had to get in there soon, I prayed that "If I finish my military service without any accidents and any injuries, I will service as a teacher in my church." As a result, I finished my army service, and I've been keeping my promise.-

The list of blogs I've read



Week 3 homework // thanks letter

 Hey, how are you? I guess it is first time to write a letter to you, isn’t it? Actually I have never written some letters to someone and am even writing it in English bro! I think you are going to figure it out very well because you are pretty smart one I have known.
 Anyway, the reason I’m writing this letter is I just want to thanks to you for having been in my life since we were in middle school. Something that I remember when we were middle school students, we played computer games together after school. What else do you remember? I think you are not going to recall anything else neither except for just playing computer games! But I think we had a pretty good time, and It gave a chance to become familiar with you. For these days, we hang out every weekends, no more computer games, hit the gym, and sometimes go to Karaoke(노래방). That all kind of things is very memorial experience to me, so I really appreciate you, seriously. It’s not joking bro!
 I would like to make such kind of things some more further in life. Thank you for reading my letter, and I look forward to receiving your reply, and of course, you will have to write in English yeah!
 From your best friend
 Cheongjun Ji

2013년 3월 19일 화요일

What I did in this week.

 This week was pretty busy to me. Usually I did lots of homework from all the subjects and hit the gym everyday and there were couple of things special happened. One of those was I met some people who were servicing with me in the military. We haven't got a any meeting for 2 years, because I was away from korea during the time. We were so glad to see again and had a dinner together and spent hours chatting. that was friday.
 On saturday, my friend had a wedding in LEETAEWON , so I celebrated the wedding with other my friends,and after that we looked around there. It was my first visiting, and that was amazing! I thought there were just a few foreigners but there were heaps of them! Some of my friends wanted  me to talk with them, because they thought I'm good at speaking in English as my major is English education. So I talked with them little bit, and that was a very nice experience.

 It is all I did this week :D oh, Of course I went my church and attended the worship!

2013년 3월 12일 화요일

Five interesting things about me

Name: Cheongjun Ji

1. has ever been to a English speaking country. Newzealand.

2. knows some kiwis, hawaians, aussies, germans, swedes

3. loves working out in the gym.

4. loves listening and singing songs as well

5. has finished my military service yey!